Introducing Malie

Hi there! My name is Malie, I'm a 25-year-old bookworm currently living in Sheffield,UK and this is where I post my book reviews, poetry, personal thoughts and recommendations. My favourite genres to read are fantasy, contemporary, science fiction, poetry and historical fiction. I mostly read young adult (YA) books, but I also enjoy reading children and adult fiction too. I'm not very good at committing to my blog, but I do try my best to post on my Instagram and be consistent in filming BookTube videos.

I'd say i'm quite an ordinary person; I binge watch shows on Netflix, my favourite band is Imagine Dragons, I like pineapple on pizza. I'm also, like most bookworms for some reason, an introvert. I love traveling, and my favourite place I've been to so far is Slope Point, New Zealand. I have an MSc in Occupational Psychology and did my bachelor's degree in Psychology at the University of Nottingham (both Malaysia and UK campuses). If you don't mind annoying rants and random retweets, do follow me on Twitter (@maaaalie) for every day updates about what i'm up to!

And because so many people have asked – yes, I drew my blog header myself. I'm not really artistic, so that's pretty much as far as the non-existent talent goes!


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Kamalia Hasni's books on Goodreads
An Ocean of Grey An Ocean of Grey
reviews: 71
ratings: 151 (avg rating 4.40)

A Wave of Dreams A Wave of Dreams
reviews: 14
ratings: 30 (avg rating 4.43)
