Dear Maryam,

I feel so blessed that Allah is kind enough to send me a beautiful human being to be a part of my life. I do believe that everyone enters our life for a reason, to teach us something along our journey. I can't count how many things you have already taught me, how much you have inspired me every day to become a better person. Sometimes you don't even have to say anything, the way you act and present yourself is enough to inspire me. If we really were triplets(like for real), i'm sure you would be the best out of us two, having a cheerful, positive and fascinating personality that can cheer anyone up. Even though you are a year younger than me, i do wish sometimes that we were the same age, so that we could do everything together and be best friends. But of course, there is a good reason behind our age difference. I haven't figured out what it is exactly yet, but i'll let you know when i find out. Even though technically i'm older than you, i always saw you more of a close friend or twin/triplet, sometimes even as a big sister rather than a little sister because i'm the one who always looks up to you and follow your examples. Thank you for always inspiring me even if you weren't even trying to. Thank you for always offering a shoulder to cry on, open arms to hug, lending your ears to listen, giving meaningful advice when i need them and showing your pretty smile. Sometimes i don't realise how fortunate i am to have you as a friend until you're not around and i wish that you were. I'm sorry if i have ever disappointed you in any way, or have ever made you sad or made your smile vanish. I would never want to do that, not after the countless things you've done for me. Sometimes when i'm having a bad day, having a short moment with you can make me forget why i was upset in the first place. Seriously, is your laugh like a charm to make sadness vanish or something? Because it works! I want you to know that i really do appreciate everything that you do. You really were born to be awesome :) I love you Maryam, i hope you'll be one of my sisters in Jannah later insyaAllah.
Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah times infinity heheh :)


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