Meh, it's just another number. Of course it's just another day, but the fact that it's official i guess is what makes me feel older and more mature. I'm not exactly sure how seventeen year olds are supposed to act, so i plan to just stick to being myself. Feeling older means that i'm starting to realise that the older you are, the more responsibilities you have and that you should be thinking more about certain things. Many people wished me Happy Birthday on Twitter and Whatsapp and WeChat and stuff, and i noticed that nearly all of them wished me good luck for SPM too. That made me realise that i really am growing up, and it's not one of those "oh, lambat lagi" kinda things, it's an "it's happening now" thing. Not sure if that made sense lol but yeah. A lot of people believe i can do well for SPM and the funny thing is that i myself have many doubts about my own capabilities. Ah well, i guess everyone goes through it someday, and my day happens to be now.

Anyways, i had a lovely day. My family was creepily nicer to me and many people i never talked to on Twitter wished me and we had mini conversations and stuff, it was nice. I went to my cousin's wedding which was awesome because he's the first cousin in our family to get married, so our family is finally expanding. I didn't have a birthday cake but we ordered pizza and so i decided that pizzas are going to be my birthday cake every year starting this year. Some people chatted and called me which was very nice, i feel loved haha. From some of the birthday tweets i realised that people silently read my blog; as in they never comment or tweet me about it until they wish me happy bithday. It feels nice that people read the random things that i write, although it's weird that they somehow get inspired because i see nothing special haha. Thank you to my loyal blog readers i love you all mwuah :* *bajet famous jap*
So hey I'm Kamalia, and i'm officially 17 :)
Thank you to everyone who wished me Happy Birthday and good luck, it means the world and may Allah bless you all :)
Please click on "Read More" to view some pictures from the day :)
This would be about 1/3 of my family on my dad's side lol |
A third(or maybe a quarter) of my cousins :D |
The girls :) |
Rombongan pengantin lelaki(i don't know half of these people though haha) (The pakcik in green is my epic uncle btw) |
My number 1 man :3 |
My Dafi-look-a-like cousin |
The newly weds awh |
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