I wonder...

1. What it feels like to be in love

2. What it feels like to be and do and be whatever you want and no one will judge you.
 3. What it feels like to be a kid again
 4. What swinging as high as you can then flying just like a bird feels like

5. What its like to have a lot of money so you can buy whatever you want

6. What its like to meet your favourite player
He looks so cute in this xD

7. What being a panda feels like

I know that if i try and pray a lot,maybe Allah swt will let experience for myself one day =)


  1. daydreams feels soooo smoothies and fluffy.
    insyaAllah if u try, Allah could show u how it feels like.

  2. Awww, thanks Muhammad, means a lot =)

  3. DIA beri kan apa yang terbaik untuk kita.feel it.

  4. @nunu eera: thank you, appreciate it =)

  5. @fobia: yep, i believe that too. There's always a reason why and why doesnt he give us what we want, and all we can do is pray for it =)

  6. one day maybe, just keep on praying ^_^

  7. insyaAllah. thank you, it means a lot =)


Kamalia Hasni's books on Goodreads
An Ocean of Grey An Ocean of Grey
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A Wave of Dreams A Wave of Dreams
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